• Teacher

    Gary Smead


Career Opportunities

  • Social Media Specialist

  • Advertising, Promotions, and Marketing Managers

  • Top Jobs in Social Media

Business Management Courses

  • Social Media and Communication in Business 

    Grades  9, 10, 11

    This course is designed to provide students an analytical perspective to explore current social media trends and the emerging business practices responding to those trends. Students will research the ways social media influences successful business practices. This course will allow students to use higher level thinking to interpret business trends and analytics of social media platforms, and to apply this to the creation of effective business and marketing plans. Students will investigate the history of the Internet and the explosion of social media through inquiry-based research. They will learn the processes of building a positive digital footprint, digital communication norms through various digital platforms and social networking sites, and practice strategies for personal and professional interests. This course will give students an understanding of how social media and communication can influence principles and practices of contemporary businesses and economic systems.

    Advanced Social Media and Communication in Business 

    Grades 10, 11, 12

    This is the capstone course for the CTE Business Management Pathway.  The goal of this course is to take the concepts and knowledge learning in the concentrator course and expand the Business Management and Marketing through the use of free Social Media tools to reach not only existing but new customers in a global economy.