ࡱ> TWS+ bjbj² ABШDhШDhV` ` 8>+"""+++++++$-0++""+!!!""+!+!!()"<\.=;);++0+O)80h 0()0)! u+u+ +0` X : PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. This Section includes administrative and procedural requirements for handling requests for substitutions submitted 60 days after the date established in the Notice of Award and pursuant to Article 6.14 of the General Conditions. 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 01 33 00: Submittals B. Section 01 61 00: Materials and Equipment C. Section 01 77 00: Contract Close Out PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not used) PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 APPLICATION A. CONTRACTOR proposed changes in products or materials required by the Contract Documents 60 days or more after the Notice of Award are considered to be requests for substitutions. OAR and FUSD will consider requests for substitution if a product is no longer manufactured and/or the OAR and A/E, after a diligent search have verified that product or material is not available to CONTRACTOR. The following are not considered to be valid requests for substitutions: 1. Revisions to the Contract Documents requested by OAR, FUSD or ARCHITECT. 2. Specified options of products included in the Contract Documents. 3. Substitutions requested on a or equal basis. 3.02 SUBMITTALS A. Transmit submittals as described in related Sections for each request for substitution. 1. Identify the product to be replaced in each request. Include related Specification Section and Drawing number. 2. Provide complete documentation denoting compliance with the requirements for substitutions, and the following information, as appropriate. a. A detailed comparison of significant qualities of the proposed substitution with those specified in the Contract Documents. Significant qualities may include elements, such as performance, weight, size, durability, and visual effect. b. Product Data, including Drawings, descriptions of products, fabrication, and installation procedures. c. Samples, where applicable or requested. d. CONTRACTOR certification the proposed substitution conforms to requirements of the Contract Documents in every respect and is appropriate for the applications indicated. e. CONTRACTOR waiver of rights to an increase in the Contract Amount, Milestones and/or Contract Time that may subsequently become necessary because of the failure of the substitution to adequately perform. 3. If required, ARCHITECT will request additional information or documentation for evaluation. OAR will notify CONTRACTOR of acceptance or rejection of the substitution. 4. ARCHITECT will review and consider request for substitution and provide a recommendation to OAR and FUSD. 5. Where a proposed substitution involves and/or affects more than one Subcontractor, CONTRACTOR shall ensure each Subcontractor cooperates with the other Subcontractor involved to coordinate the Work, provide uniformity and consistency, and assure compatibility of all products. 6. CONTRACTOR submittal and ARCHITECT review of Shop Drawings, Product Data, material lists or Samples do not constitute an acceptable or valid request for substitution. END OF SECTION SUBSTITUTION REQUEST FORM To Architect: Date: Project Name: Architects Project No. DSA Application No. DSA File No. The undersigned requests consideration of the following substitution: Specified Item: _______ _______ ___________ ___________ Section Page Paragraph Description Proposed Substitution: Statement of Cause: We have attached the following for your use (check box):  Product description, specification, drawings, photographs, performance and test Data adequate for evaluation of the request; applicable portions of the data are clearly identified.  Complete documentation of all regulatory approvals required by the Contract Documents of the proposed substitution.  Itemized comparison of proposed substitution with that of the specified product.  Detailed cost summary of the change, if any, to the Contract Sum.  Evaluation of the effect of the proposed substitution on the construction schedule.  Description of changes of the Contract Documents which proposed substation will require for its proper installation.  Manufacturers Warranty comparison between the specified manufacturer and the proposed manufacturer. The undersigned states that the following paragraphs, unless modified on the attachment, are correct: The proposed substitution does not affect dimensions shown on the Drawings. The undersigned will pay costs for changes to the building design, including Engineering design, detailing and construction costs caused by the requested substitution. The proposed substitution will have no adverse effect on other trades or specified warranty requirements. Maintenance and service parts will be locally available for the proposed substitution. The undersigned further states that the function, appearance and quality of the proposed substitution is equivalent or superior to the specified item. Submitted By: Signature: Firm: Address: Telephone: Date:____________________     Ƶ SUBSTITUTIONS and PRODUCT OPTIONS 01 25 13 PAGE 3 Revised: 01/07/22 Page  PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 1 of  NUMPAGES \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 4 Substitutions and Product Options Section 01 25 13 PROJECT NAME SUBSTITUTIONS SCHOOL NAME Rev. 1/7/02 SECTION 01640- PAGE 1 &'*     % & ' 3 9 : vgggXIhl{h'CJOJQJaJhl{h_7pCJOJQJaJhl{h YCJOJQJaJhl{hR(CJOJQJaJhl{hnUCJOJQJaJhl{hr}CJOJQJaJhl{h+9CJOJQJaJhl{hwuCJOJQJaJhl{h5aCJOJQJaJhl{hq!kCJOJQJaJhl{hq!k5CJOJQJaJhl{h5a5CJOJQJaJ' & G u lN$ 8p@ 0^`0gdl{$ p@ 0x^`0a$gdl{$ p@ 0x^`0a$gd9$ p@ 0^`0a$gdl{$$ p@ `^``a$gdl{$ p@ 0^`0a$gdl{: < F G H J T U V Y [ ] t u v  ĸĸĩӚ{k{{{{{[{{hl{hq!k5CJOJQJaJhl{hr}5CJOJQJaJhl{h5a5CJOJQJaJhl{h'CJOJQJaJhl{hRqCJOJQJaJhhq!kCJOJQJaJhCJOJQJaJhh5aCJOJQJaJhl{h_7pCJOJQJaJhl{h5aCJOJQJaJhl{hq!kCJOJQJaJ# D w U k$$ p@ 0^`0a$gdl{$ p@ p0x^p`0a$gdl{$$ p@ 0x^`0a$gdl{$$ p@ `^``a$gdl{$ 8p@ 0^`0gdl{   ; < = > C K U \ _ d e   j    D G w ĵ⦗yyyj[[[hl{hq!kCJOJQJaJhl{htlCJOJQJaJhl{hXCCJOJQJaJhl{h,CJOJQJaJhl{hR(CJOJQJaJhl{hnUCJOJQJaJhl{h0'CJOJQJaJhl{h&mCJOJQJaJhl{h2kCJOJQJaJhl{h5aCJOJQJaJhl{hR6CJOJQJaJ!w y z   U X  9<dg@C*вУДвДhl{hCJOJQJaJhl{h0'CJOJQJaJhl{h;CJOJQJaJhl{hR6CJOJQJaJhl{hq!kCJOJQJaJhl{h5aCJOJQJaJhl{hq!k5CJOJQJaJhl{h5a5CJOJQJaJ3U 9dp$ p@ 0^`0a$gdl{$ 8p@ p0x^p`0gdl{ 8p@ p0x^p`0gdl{$ p@ @ 0x^@ `0a$gdl{$$ p@ p0^p`0a$gdl{ *2^m⸩{{o{dYYYYNhl{hl{OJQJhl{h'`OJQJhl{hOJQJhl{CJOJQJaJhl{hC0CJOJQJaJhl{h'`CJOJQJaJhl{h5a5CJOJQJaJhl{hl{CJOJQJaJh5aCJOJQJaJhl{h0'CJOJQJaJhl{hq!kCJOJQJaJhl{h5aCJOJQJaJhl{h\4CJOJQJaJA_v p@ $0x^`0gd]4 p@ $0^`0gdl{$ p@ 0x^`0a$gd]4 p@ gdl{$ p@ 0^`0a$gdl{ &=>?@AH[\]^_frtuv  '(?@AUVWǼݼݱhl{hC0OJQJhl{hMOJQJh]4OJQJhl{h-FOJQJhl{h3OJQJhl{hmOJQJhl{hOJQJhl{hl{OJQJhl{h'`OJQJhl{hl{>*OJQJ8v(?@AUVWHX&$ p@ a$gd]4$ p@ 0x^`0a$gd]4 p@ 0^`0gdl{ p@ 0x^`0gd]4GHIWXY&'@A|TUDEShl{h^DOJQJ(jhl{hC0OJQJUmHnHuhl{h]SOJQJ(jhl{h2SOJQJUmHnHuhl{hMOJQJhl{h@8ROJQJ(jhl{hMOJQJUmHnHu7AUESTl|oomm p@ $gd]4 p@ gdl{$ p@ xa$gd9 $ & F p@ 0x^`0a$gd]4$ & F p@ 0^`0a$gd]4$ & F p@ a$gd]4 ST]^bchjklsuyz{|óӧӧӟ~~~~~zpjhRq0JUhbQhL~DCJOJQJ\aJhL~Dh]7CJOJQJ\aJh]jh]Uh]4CJOJQJaJh]4hJ7v>*CJOJQJaJh]4h]4>*CJOJQJaJh]4hJ7vCJOJQJaJh]4h^DCJOJQJaJh]4h2SCJOJQJaJ+  t  !$gdO $ !$a$gdh]h&`#$gd]4$0^`0a$gd9  !"CDEFJKpqrstuֵzzznjhRq0JCJU hRqCJhl{h{<OJQJhl{h$1XOJQJmHnHujhl{h}OJQJUhl{h}OJQJhl{hl{OJQJhl{hL~DOJQJhl{hOJQJhl{hRqOJQJhRqhRq0JmHnHujhRq0JU hRq0J*h]4hJ7vCJOJQJaJh]hRq hRqCJhRq0JCJmHnHujhRq0JCJUhRq0JCJ p@ gdl{?0P&P:p9/ =!"#$% Dpx02 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p8XV~ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@66666_HmH nH sH tH 8`8 Normal_HmH sH tH <<  Heading 1$@&5CJJJ  Heading 2$$ @&a$CJH@H  Heading 3$<@& CJOJQJLL  Heading 4$<@&5CJOJQJ>>  Heading 5 <@&CJBB  Heading 6 <@&6CJBB  Heading 7 <@&OJQJFF  Heading 8 <@& 6OJQJL L  Heading 9 <@&56CJOJQJDA`D Default Paragraph FontViV  Table Normal :V 44 la (k (No List 4@4 Header  !4 @4 0Footer  !.)@. 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