Student Information
Page Navigation
- For Students
- Academic Honesty
- Attendance Policies
- Behavior Modifications
- Bell Schedule
- School-Wide and Classroom Expectations
- Community Service Log
- Course Description Book 2024-2025
- Discipline Policy
- Dress Code Policy
- Dual Enrollment Policy (Schoolwide Criteria and Support Strategies)
- Electronic Device Policy
- Identification Card Policy
- Registrar, Records, and Transcripts
- Schedule Change Policy
- Senior Contract (English & Spanish)
- Students Grades 9-11Expectations Contract
- Student Handbook
- Tardy Policy
- Test Retake Policy
- Work Permits
- Jurupa Hills High School (hs)
- Behavior Modifications
Behavior Modification
Behavior Interventions (Other Means of Correction) – Including, but not limited to:
- Counseling – Students will be counseled by different staff members regarding choice of behavior.
- Time-Outs – Students will be asked to go to a different classroom to finish the period.
- Detention – Students will have to stay after school with the teacher for minor misbehavior. Detention may be up to one hour in length. Parents must have 24-hour notice.
- Parent/Student/Teacher/Administration Conferences – Conferences with the student, his/her parents, teacher(s), and/or administration may be held to ensure appropriate behavior modification strategies are planned and implemented.
- Office Detention – Students sign in to one of the offices and complete work for the remainder of a period.
- Lunch Detention – Often used when students cannot stay after school because they ride the bus or have no way of getting home.
- After School Work Program (ASWP) – Students will stay after school for a specified amount of time doing campus beautification (3:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.)
- Alternative Learning Center (ALC) – Students will be assigned to the ALC room for one to six periods (or multiple days) for continuous behavior violations in lieu of suspension when appropriate. ALC is located in room DWR1. Students assigned to ALC will be counseled regarding their specific choices and helped to reflect on specific replacement behaviors. Students assigned to ALC will have class work sent down by their teachers for them to complete and/or they will be working on the ALC teacher's assignment. Students assigned to ALC will follow all protocols or face suspension.
Behavior Consequences – Including, but not limited to:
- Classroom Suspension – The teacher can suspend a scholar from class for a total of two periods; the day of the incident and the following day.
- Suspension - Students will be required to stay home under parent/guardian supervision from one to five days for Education Code violations.
- Students must be under Parent/Guardian supervision.
- Students may not be near or enter any school campus, nor may students participate in any school activity.
- During suspension, the following conditions apply:
Note: Failure to comply with the above-mentioned conditions may result in a recommendation for expulsion.