• Dear Beech Avenue Families:

    Welcome to Beech Avenue Elementary School. I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to 2019-2020 school year. We are proud of our school and its educational program. We have made great strides over the years, yet we are continually looking for more ways to improve our school and its programs. We have great plans to build upon the successes we have had to better serve our students. We look forward to working with you and community members in educating your children, our most valuable and cherished asset.

    The goal we all share is that our children receive an education which not only prepares them for their future education and career, but one that also prepares them to be productive citizens. We ask for your support in meeting these goals.

    I challenge you, Beech Avenue families, to take an active role in your child’s education. A positive home-school connection will benefit us all. We need to work together to ensure that your child not only grows academically, but also works each day toward becoming the best person he/she can be. My team models and teaches the six-pillars of character each day so that we can all be TeRRiFfiCC (Trustworthy, Respectful, Responsible, Fair, Caring, and Good Citizens). I am a firm believer that these traits will go a long way in ensuring the success of your child. Therefore, my staff and I will actively monitor these attributes closely.

    I’d like to ask you to familiarize yourself with our school rules and discuss them with your child. These are available on our school’s website. Printed copies can be requested in the school office. Please be sure that your child attends school each and every day and that each day they arrive ON TIME.

    Please refer to our bell schedule for start and end times. Remember that when your child is tardy, absent, or pulled from school early s/he misses out on important learning time, and all students in the school lose out because attendance affects our funding. Please arrange medical and other appointments after school so your child will not miss school. When your child is ill, call the school office or send a note to the teacher. If you wish to discuss a matter with the teacher or principal, please call and make an appointment so we can give you the attention you deserve.

    Wednesdays are minimum days for students in grades 1-6 with dismissal at 12:20 p.m. These early release days provide opportunities for staff collaboration. During collaboration time, teachers are able to discuss student progress, receive training in strategies and skills that will support student achievement, and share best practices among classrooms.

    I am anticipating an outstanding year at Beech Avenue Elementary! My staff and I look forward to meeting you and working together to ensure your child’s success.


    Michele Mower