• Welcome to the Maple Elementary School Library! We are so excited to help our Mustangs find and check out books! Our students will also have the opportunity to participate in different learning activities for all grades, including in our Makerspace. Our Makerspace provides students with the opportunity to expand their STEAM skills with challenges and experiments that inspire both education and imagination. Our librarian, Ms. Morita, spent six years with the San Bernardino County Library system where she planned, implemented, and led a variety of children's library programs. Don't hesitate to stop by and say hello! She looks forward to helping you find your next favorite book.
    Also, coming soon - help us support our Mustangs in this year’s Fontana Book Battles beginning in November as they challenge themselves in a team based, district wide reading challenge!


    Christina Morita,Library Specialist

    Maple Elementary School

    Phone: (909) 357-5679 ext. 60381