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- Henry J. Kaiser High School (hs)
- Advanced Placement
2025 AP Exam Schedule
Please consult the . Testing locations and more information will be available in April 2025.
If you take an afternoon exam, please notify your parents/guardians the exam could likely end later than 3:30 PM.
For exams that are scheduled on our minimum day bell schedule, students need to notify their parents/guardians of the testing times.
Day of the Exam
8:00 AM Exams
- Students are expected to arrive at the testing site no later than 7:30 AM. At this time, students will be admitted to the testing area and instructions will be read once everyone has been seated.
12:00 PM Exams
- Students are expected to arrive at the testing site no later than 11:30 PM. At this time, students will be admitted to the testing area and instructions will be read once everyone has been seated.
Art and Design: Friday, May 9, 2025 (8 p.m. ET), is the deadline for AP Art and Design students to submit their three portfolio components as final in the AP Digital Portfolio.
Important Information/FAQ
I take the bus to school. Will I make it to the test in time?
- Yes. Your AP Coordinator will have a list of students who take the bus and will provide extra time to allow you to arrive at school and sit for your exam.
- All exams will officially begin around 8:15 AM.
- If possible, try to secure transportation with a friend to avoid having to take a late exam.
What if I have an emergency and cannot make it to school on the date of my exam?
- Please have a parent or guardian contact the AP Coordinator as soon as possible to explain what happened so a late exam can be ordered for you.
What should I bring to my exam?
- No.2 Pencils
- Regular blue or black ink pens (don't bring shades of blue or grey)
- A good eraser
- Approved calculator (if needed for your exam)
- AP Spanish Language: Your charged school laptop.
- Please do not bring anything else with you.
Can I bring food or drink?
- No. Food and drink, including water, is not allowed within the exam room. Students will be allowed a drink of water and a snack outside of the testing room during the break.
- The reason is to avoid students accidentally spilling on their exams.
If I finish the exam early, may I leave early?
- No, students are not allowed to leave the examination room early.
- Use this extra time to double check your answers to the section you are working on.
- Use your time wisely.
What happens if I have a sports conflict or two AP exams scheduled at the same time?
- Please notify the AP Coordinator immediately.
- A late exam will be ordered for one or more of your AP tests.