Comprehensive Health Services

  • Our mission for Comprehensive Health is to provide confidential accessible and age-appropriate comprehensive health services designed to keep students healthy and ready to learn. Staff members provide ongoing assessments, interventions, education, and referrals for children and their families. In addition, a health maintenance, prevention and intervention model is promoted. In order for children to be ready to learn and to move toward their optimum development educationally and socially, we concern ourselves with the present health conditions of our students here in FUSD. The students can do their best work only if their health permits them to participate to the extent that the school program requires.

    “You can’t educate a child who isn’t healthy, and you can’t keep a child healthy who isn’t educated.”

    The Credentialed School Nurse (RN) as a pivotal member of the school and district coordinated school health and safety program, addressing the health care needs of school children as they relate to education. The scope of practice of the credentialed school nurse is dynamic.

    District nurses are licensed Registered Nurses with Bachelors or Master’s Degree with an Advanced Practice Certification as well as a School Nurse Credential issued by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing.

    The Licensed Vocational Nurse (LVN), under the direction of a school nurse, performs specialized health care procedures for students with special health care needs requiring licensed support.

    Health offices are also staffed by the Health Assistant who maintains the school site Health Office performing first aid, attends ill children, maintaining records and administering medication. Each health assistant maintains current CPR and First Aid certification and is trained by the district nurses.

    Getting Started

    Follow the links below for student health information, FAQs, comprehensive health forms, immunization requirements, and other health resources.

    Quick Links

    Health Bulletins and Announcements
    District Nurses and Health Offices
    FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
    Free and Low Cost Health Clinics
    Immunization Requirements
    Medication/Specialized Health Care Procedures at School
    Resources for Health and Wellness
    School Health Forms
    When Your Child is Sick. . . .

    Department Contacts:

    Comprehensive Health Admin

    (909) 357-5000, ext. 29383 / Fax: (909) 357-7649
    Leslie Woodman-Moore, Interim Coordinator
    Dora Flores, Intermediate Secretary

    Our Location:

    9548 Citrus Avenue, Bldg. A-7; Fontana, CA  92335 
    Office Hours:
    8 am to 5 pm, Monday through Friday 

    Health Clinic/Enrollment

    (909) 357-5000, ext. 29326 / Fax: (909) 357-7649
    Gabriela Pulido, Intermediate Clerk Typist
    Leticia Sartain, Health Assistant

    Our Location:

    9548 Citrus Avenue, Room A-7; Fontana, CA 92335
    Office Hours:
    7:30 am to 4:30 pm, Monday through Friday