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Welcome to our Parent Information Page
Welcome to ³ÉÈËÊÓƵ! We are committed to making our students and parents feel connected to their school and our district. Here you will find information for current and future parents alike. Please come back as we will be adding more tools, resources and communication pieces to effectively keep you informed. Thank you for your support and commitment to your child's success in our district.
New! ParentSquare
Download the Mobile App
Download our FREE ParentSquare app for iOS or Android.
This video will walk you through the ParentSquare app.
Downloading the mobile app is the easiest way to receive all Posts, Events, Sign Up Requests, Photos and Files. Enable app notifications to be notified when a message is posted.
iOS App -
Android App -
Use the camera on your phone to scan these QR codes - it takes you directly to the App or Google Play store.
Update Mobile App
Make sure you are updated to the most recent version of the ParentSquare app. For information on how to check the version number and update the ParentSquare app, click .
Submitting Annual Forms in ParentSquare
Step by Step Video
SELPA / Special Services
Download the Mobile App
Download our FREE ParentSquare app for iOS or Android.
This video will walk you through the ParentSquare app.
Downloading the mobile app is the easiest way to receive all Posts, Events, Sign Up Requests, Photos and Files. Enable app notifications to be notified when a message is posted.
iOS App -
Android App -
Use the camera on your phone to scan these QR codes - it takes you directly to the App or Google Play store.
Update Mobile App
Make sure you are updated to the most recent version of the ParentSquare app. For information on how to check the version number and update the ParentSquare app, click . -
Care Solace
Dear parents and guardians,
The ³ÉÈËÊÓƵ fosters a culture that promotes the health, safety, and well-being of students and parents. In an effort to continuously support this commitment, the district has made an agreement with Care Solace.
Care Solace is an online resource with a live 24/7 concierge meant to assist individuals in finding local mental health related programs and counseling services. Care Solace's web-based system works alongside our multi-tiered systems of support (MTSS) as a tool for school staff and families to connect with community-based mental healthcare resources and providers. The proprietary care navigation system taps into a vast database of mental healthcare resources to find carefully vetted local therapists and programs in minutes.
School district staff and families may access Care Solace services in two ways:
- Call (888) 515-0595 to speak with someone from your Concierge team
- Representatives are standing by to take your call or email 24/7
- Visit your custom district link is
- Answer ten easy questions to receive an extensive list of referrals to applicable care providers. Care Solace takes into account all types of private insurance including Medi-Cal, Medicaid, and Medicare and those that have no insurance. The platform also filters by age, gender, zip code and special request.
Care Solace is now available for use by district students, staff, and families at no cost. Care Solace does not require a name, address, phone number, or date of birth. All information entered on the Care Solace tool is completely confidential and securely stored. Please note, this service is an optional resource available by choice and is not mandatory in any way. If you are interested in seeking counseling-related services at this time, please consider visiting
- Call (888) 515-0595 to speak with someone from your Concierge team
California Healthy Youth Act
The Assembly Bill 329 California Healthy Youth Act requires that comprehensive sexual health education and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) prevention education be taught to students at least once in middle school and once in high school, beginning no later than grade seven. Instruction and materials must be medically accurate, objective, ageâ€appropriate and inclusive of all students, as defined by law. The law requires that instruction and materials must encourage students to communicate with parents, guardians or other trusted adults about human sexuality. FUSD adheres to this state instructional requirement by providing teacher training and utilizing of The Positive Prevention Plus curriculum.
For more information regarding Assembly Bill 329, please to refer to the following websites:
California Health You Act - Assembly Bill 329 -
Positive Prevention
Parent Letter Notification
2019 Revisions of the Health Education Framework
If you are interested in seeking further information, you may contact Alison Benson, Director of Elementary Instruction for K- 5th questions or Christina Pierce, Director of Secondary Instruction for 6th – 12th grade questions.
California School Dashboard
California is field-testing a new website designed to help communities across the state access important information about K–12 districts and schools. Called the California School Dashboard, the site features easy-to-read reports on multiple measures of school success, including test scores, graduation rates, English learner progress and suspension rates.
FUSD Clothes Closet & Resource Center
The ³ÉÈËÊÓƵ has launched a free clothes closet & Resource Center for FUSD students and their families. Available items include: men's, women's, and children's clothing and shoes - including formal wear!
Special Offers from Dell to FUSD Students & Parents
Dell Computers offers monthly special saving offers to the students of the ³ÉÈËÊÓƵ. Save on PCs, laptops, printers, and more!
Quick Links
- Annual Parent-Student Notification
- Annual Parent-Student Notification (Spanish)
- Transportation
- Grades 3-6 Student Climate Survey-English and Spanish
- Grades 7-12 Student Climate Survey-English and Spanish
- Community Resources
- Free Omnitrans Fares-4-School
Visit website - Data Sharing Agreement (2024-2025)
- Data Sharing Agreement (2024-2025 Spanish)
- Student Acceptable Use Policy
- Student Acceptable Use Policy (Spanish)
- Parent Notification Positive Prevention Letter 2021-2022
- SPANISH- Parent Notification Positive Prevention Letter 2021-2022
- Technical Training
- After-School Programs
- Addenda to FUSD Publications
- Bullying and Harassment
- Early Education Programs
- Low Cost / No Cost Health Insurance for Kids
- Mathematics Placement Guidelines
- Mathematics Placement Guidelines (Spanish)
- Online Educational Programs and Services
- Complaint Procedures
- School Accountability Report Cards (SARC)
- Secondary Grading Policy
- Sexual Harassment Policy
- State and District Assessments
- Free Mental Health Services During COVID19
- Care Solace
- Food Distribution Program (Register at )