Facilities, Maintenance & Operations and Transportation

  • Samer Alzubaidi

    Samer Alzubaidi, Executive Director

    The Facilities, Maintenance & Operations and Transportation Department is responsible for maintaining every physical site, its associated equipment, and grounds, at the highest possible standards of safety, cleanliness, and functionality, to ensure that the best possible learning environment is provided for each and every staff member. It is also responsible for the planning of new and existing schools and modernization of schools to ensure that adequate facilities are available to accommodate student enrollment.

    Facilities, Maintenance & Operations and Transportation is Comprised of: 

    Maintenance and Operations (909) 357-7520, ext. 29414

    Luis Estrada

    Luis Estrada, Director
    Karen Woodall, Senior Secretary II

    Facilities (909) 357-7528, ext. 29456


    Noel Garcia, Senior Director
    Nicole LaCroix, Senior Secretary II

    Transportation (909) 357-7510, ext. 29500

    Mary Stevens, Director

    Department Contacts:

    Facilities, Maintenance & Operations and Transportation

    Samer Alzubaidi, Executive Director
    (909) 357-7521, ext. 29461

    Meghann Ortiz, Administrative Secretary
    (909) 357-7521, ext. 29461

    Javier Castrejon, Energy Manager
    (909) 357-7521, ext. 29463