Learner Profile Committee

  • The Learner Profile Committee plays a crucial role in shaping our learners’ experiences by creating a Learner Profile to identify key competencies for learners based off of current global workforce and lifestyle trends. This profile will expand on the district’s vision and mission statements to clearly define the knowledge, skills and dispositions all learners need.

    Dates the Committee Met: July 24th, 25th and October 30th

    Learner Profile Committee Members



    Destiney Martinez

    Student (High School

    Kelis Smith

    Student (High School)

    Maricela Nava

    Student (High School)

    Maya Jones

    Student (High School)

    Elaine Jones


    Fabiola Navarette


    Guadalupe Aguiluz


    Katrina Mendoza


    Kelli Wasserman

    Community Member (CSUSB)

    Madeleine Jetter

    Community Member (CSUSB)

    Mars Serna

    Board Member

    George Rojas

    Certificated (CTE Teacher High School)

    Yael Chavez

    Certificated (Teacher Elementary)

    Alvin Lacuesta

    Certificated (School Counselor)

    Melina Yamarone

    Certificated (SPED Teacher Elementary)

    Angelina Lorenzo-Juan

    Certificated (SPED Teacher Elementary)

    Kennith Sarti

    Certificated (Teacher Elementary)

    Lori Martin

    Certificated (Teacher Elementary)

    Victoria Koch

    Certificated (Teacher Elementary)

    Rubi Roman Vega

    Certificated (Teacher Elementary)

    Annalisa Hensley

    Certificated (Teacher High School)

    Diann Bravo

    Certificated (Teacher High School)

    Lauren Freeman

    Certificated (Teacher High School)

    Meliza Terriquez

    Certificated (Teacher High School)

    Christina Halverson

    Certificated (Teacher Middle School)

    Maryann Bingham

    Certificated (Teacher Middle School)

    Sunshine Contreras

    Certificated (Teacher on Assignment Elementary)

    Juana Sotelo

    Classified (USW Rep)

    MarLan Parker

    Management (Assistant Director - College and Career Readiness Secondary Schools)

    Alexandra Valle

    Management (Assistant Director – Information Technology & Innovation)

    Justin Silva

    Management (Assistant Director - Special Services)

    Joe Malatesta

    Management (Assistant Principal High School)

    Erin Roth

    Management (Assistant Principal Middle School)

    Doris Monterroso

    Management (Coordinator - Early Education)

    Juanita Sandoval

    Management (Coordinator – Intervention Programs)

    Claudia Mason

    Management (Coordinator - Library Services)

    Honey Sacro-Swem

    Management (Coordinator – Secondary Instruction Math)

    Doloumar Bergen

    Management (Coordinator - STEM)

    Krystal Duncan

    Management (Coordinator Social Emotional Support)

    Anthony Fernandez

    Management (Dean – Student Support Sequoia Middle School)

    Vernell Deslonde

    Management (Director - MTSS • Student Services)

    Mark Shalhoub

    Management (Director – Online Learning & Alternative Programs)

    Tammy Fleming

    Management (Director MTSS Academics)

    Kimberly Moyer

    Management (Principal Elementary)

    Michele Mower

    Management (Principal Elementary)

    Norma Burciaga

    Management (School Psychologist)

    Hillary Wolfe

    Management (Senior Director College, Career and Economic Development)

    Adele Thomas

    Management (Senior Director of Human Resources Leadership & Program Support)

    William Sanders

    Management (TSR III)

    Caroline Labonte

    Interim Associate Superintendent, Teaching & Learning

    Miki Inbody


    Zahra Razi

    Certificated (Teacher Middle School)

    Carmen Soto

    Certificated (SPED Teacher High School)

    Daniel Marquez

    Certificated (Teacher High School)

    Tayler Schrock

    Certificated (Teacher High School)

    Lizeth Marquez

    Certificated (SPED Teacher High School)

    Brandon Thomas

    Management (Assistant Principal High School)

    Dino Luna

    Management (Coordinator - Elementary Instruction Math)

    Eduardo Gomez

    Management (Assistant Director - Multilingual Programs and Services)

    Michael Wubker

    Management (Dean – Student Support Middle School)

    Angel Cardenas

    Student (High School)


    District Alignment & System Planning Committee

    The District Alignment Team (DAT) meets throughout the entire process as the Learner Profile and Learning Model development to ensure FUSD has an agile high-functioning district office team focused on ambitious learner experiences and outcomes.  This team is invested in bringing coherence to district systems, initiatives, and plans to support implementation of the Learner Profile (North Star) and Learning Model (GPS).

     Meeting Dates:

    • Aug. 14
    • Sept. 12
    • Oct. 30
    • Nov. 13
    • Jan. 15
    • Feb. 19
    • March 25
    • April 15
    • May 5

    District Alignment & System Planning Committee Members

    Miki Inbody


    Peter Daniels

    Chief Communications Officer

    Carlo Granillo

    Interim School Police Chief

    Leslie Barnes

    Associate Sup. Business

    Douglas Staine

    Associate Sup. Human Resources

    Caroline Labonte

    Interim Associate Sup. T & L

    Glenn Alegre

    Chief of Technology & Digital Integration

    Craig Baker

    Associate Sup. Student Services

    Jonathan Dunn

    Exec. Dir. Business Services

    Samer Alzubaidi

    Exec. Dir. M&O, Facilities, etc.

    Caroline Labonte

    Exec. Dir. Certificated HR

    Rita Bayne

    Exec. Dir. Classified HR

    Kimberly MacKinney

    Exec. Dir. High School*

    Roy Rogers

    Exec. Dir. Middle School*

    Alison O’Connor

    Exec. Dir. Elementary School*

    Annette Beasley

    Exec. Dir. Elementary School*

    Alex Gonzalez

    Exec. Dir. SELPA*

    Lisa Rivero

    Sr. Director Strategic Resource Allocation Planning & Compliance

    Marcie Poole

    Director Equity, Diversity & Inclusion

    Adele Thomas

    Sr. Dir. Leadership Development & Program Support*

    Vernell Deslonde

    Director MTSS Student Services

    Michael Garcia

    Sr. Dir. Family & Community Engagement*

    Hillary Wolfe

    Sr. Dir. College Careers and Economic Development

    Darcy Whitney

    Sr. Dir. Early Education

    Martha Duenas

    Director. Multilingual Programs & Services

    Tammy Fleming

    Director MTSS Academic

    Jose Segura

    Asst. Director Computer Services

    Mike McGirr

    Director Assessment & Accountability*

    Joe Malatesta

    Assistant Principal Fontana H.S.*

    Anne-Marie Cabrales

    Principal Wayne Ruble M.S.*

    Subcommittee: Alison O’Connor (T&L), Kimberly MacKinney (T&L), Alex Gonzalez (SS), Caroline Labonte (HR), Adele Thomas (HR), Marcie Poole (Sup), Glenn Alegre (Tech), Patricia Corral (E.S.), Anne-Marie Cabrales (M.S.), Joe Malatesta (H.S.)